Under 30 Minutes
OMG I LOVE THIS WORKOUT SO MUCH! Classic hiit, 30 on 20 off 4 rounds, some great combo moves and surprise on the last round! all you need is a light pair of dumbbells and a glut band!
You're gonna love/ hate me for this one! All you need is something to step up on, a medium dumbbell and a glute band if you have one! this can be done in 30 min if you skip the warm up... ENJOY!
A quick 30 min SWEATY HIIT style workout! All you need is 1 heavy dumbbell, a pair of light dumbbells, and a glute band if you have it. Grab towel and some water and let's GO!
We are on a good one today!! No equipment needed for this full body banger! 40 sec on 20 sec rest, 4 rounds! enjoy the music, enjoy the burn!
A QUICK 30 MIN WORKOUT! 30 & 40 sec exercises, 8 exercises, 3 sets... with a spicy 2 round burn out to finish it out! Bring a lighter pair of dumbbells and a glut band to this party!
26 min workout! Dont let that fool you, You will be drenches and your core on fire! All you need is a glute band and your hot self! enjoy!
FULL BODY HIIT PLUS CORE! All you will need is a glute band for this burner! Take out the warm up set to make it a quick 30 min workout.
Day 4 of our 5 day week challenge! 2 min of Hell!
day 1 of our 5 day week challenge! 8 min Walking lunges! set the timer for 8 min and lunge it out!
day. 2 of our 5 day week challenge. 10 rep 12 min AMRAP!
Day 3 of our 5 day week challenge! 12 min EMOM!
30 sec on, 20 off, 1 min rest in between rounds. 7 exercises, 5 rounds. No equipment needed just your hot sweaty self!
8 exercises 40 sec on 20 sec rest 4 rounds! Skip right to the workout and get this one done in 30 min flat! You'll need a pair of dumbbells, a kettle bell if you have our want, and a glute band!
HIIT style no equipment needed, for all ages and abilities! I forgot to hit record for the warm up, so please take you time a properly warm up and get in a couple stretches.
30 min all ages HIIT style workout! no equipment needed, just water and a towel cause we be gettin sweaty!
A quick fun 30 min all ages workout! No equipment needed. Grab your family members and friends and get sweaty with us!
SUPER FUN HIIT STYLE WORKOUT! Great for all ages and abilities. no equipment needed.