Athlete Mode

YIKES! This was an ass kicker! Grab a pair of dumbbells, a glute band, and a step up of some sort. Lets channel your inner athlete!

Grab a pair of dumbbells and a glute band and lets fire up that inner athlete with this full body posterior chain focused banger!

Hello Athlete! You will remember and rejoice in some of these classic athletic moves, mixed in with some core, and weights. Grab a pair of dumbbells and a glute band for this banger!

EMOM WORK! This workout fits in every category, performing athletic lifts in a quick EMOM formate. bring any and all weights, elevated surface, glute band, and a towel! Take the 1 jump out to make low impact.

6 exercises 3 rounds, glute finisher and core set! Bring a pair of dumbbells and a glue band if you have it. Take out jumps if you need to to make it low impact. No equipment no worries, all these movements can me done without either. ENJOY
ADVANCED CLASS WITH MODIFICATIONS FOR EVERYONE TO TRY! Power compound movements for the whole body. Bring a pair of dumbbells (anything works) and a bench (ottoman, chair..). Prepare to challenge yourself both mentally and physically!
HARD HITTING HIIT! this is a bit more of an advanced class in. movements and intensity. Find that pace thats doable but challenging for you. All you will need is a booty band and some determination!
Jumping, Coordination, Core, O my! Super setting 1 agility variation with a core exercise 3x then moving on to the next set of two. This Class will leave you so excited with what you accomplished! A set of dumbbells is all you will need.
3 different types of dynamic and compound lunges superseted with a dynamic core exercise. Followed by an upper body and core finisher. Bring a pair of dumbbells and your beast mode!
Today we will be testing your coordination, balance, and strength, all the components that make a great athlete. no equipment needed here just water and a towel. modifications are made for some of the movements so don't be afraid to this this bad boy a try!
This bench banger is. doozy! All you will need is something sturdy to stand and sit on and a pair of dumbbells if you have them but its not necessary. All legs and abs, sometime testing you balance and definitely testing that drive!

Lets all train like athletes today! this workout will focus on total body movements, challenging you balance, coordination, and strength. bring a pair of dumbbells if you have them if not modifications are always provided. ENJOY ATHLETE!